Ep 164: JD-Next: The New Law School Entry Exam
Dr. David Klieger from Aspen Publishing joins us today to discuss the new law school entry exam, JD-Next. Dr. Klieger goes over JD-Next program which is an eight-week, online course simulates a first-year law school contracts class, aiming to help prospective law students preview and prepare for the rigors of law school. Dr. Klieger shares insights into the program's development, its benefits, and how it addresses equity in legal education. Tune in to learn how if JD-Next might be the exam for you.
Dr. David Klieger
Dr. David Klieger oversees testing and psychometrics at Aspen Publishing, including JD-Next, an innovative law school admissions program and entrance exam. In his role, he leverages his extensive experience in the legal and testing fields to oversee and enhance the program for the benefit of applicants and law schools. He earned his Ph.D. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology from the University of Minnesota and his J.D. from the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School. Prior to this role, he served as a Director at Educational Testing Service (ETS), following years as a Senior Research Scientist in ETS’s Center for Educational and Career Development, where his research focused on higher education and employment assessment, admissions, and learning and development issues. Dr. Klieger additionally practiced corporate and securities law for five years, holding law licenses in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and the District of Columbia. Dr. Klieger’s research has appeared in leading publications such as Harvard Business Review, The International Journal of Testing, and The Journal of Applied Psychology.
Episode Highlights
Overview of the JD-Next program: an eight-week asynchronous online course simulating a first-year law school contracts class.
Discussion on the benefits of JD-Next, including previewing law school, enhancing legal reasoning and writing skills, and boosting law school GPA.
Explanation of the program’s design to promote equity and fairness, with scientific research backing its effectiveness.
Dr. Klieger highlights some success stories from nontraditional students who benefited from the JD-Next program.
JD-Next is deal for prospective law students, nontraditional and first-generation students, and law schools looking to prepare incoming students.
Dr. KIieger shares some insight into the development and future adaptations of the JD-Next program.
Tweetable Quotes
“JD-Next is a great model for how people should be made ready and evaluated for different parts of the legal profession, the legal career, the legal education pipeline, because it does synergistically provide preview as well as preparation as well as evaluation.”