Ep 136: The Path From Lawyer to Human Design: Meet CEO Jacques Anderson

In this episode LoVetta with Jacques Anderson, the founder and CEO of Lean Into Your Design, a human-centered coaching and consulting business. Jacques shares her journey from law school to corporate attorney, highlighting the importance of human design in understanding oneself beyond societal expectations.Through examples and insights, Jacques elucidates the different human design types—manifestors, generators, manifesting generators, projectors, and reflectors—and how they can navigate their careers and lives more authentically by understanding their unique design. She emphasizes the value of self-awareness and leveraging individual strengths to minimize burnout and align with one's true purpose. Providing practical tips and resources, Jacques encourages listeners to explore human design as a tool for personal growth and fulfillment beyond traditional career paths.

Jacques Andersoon

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Jacques Anderson is the Founder & CEO of Lean Into Your Design, a Human Design-centered coaching and consulting business dedicated to unlocking the full potential of individuals and teams. By merging the wisdom of Human Design with modern-day practicality and traditional executive coaching modalities, Jacques offers a unique roadmap for self-discovery and alignment, tailor-made for today's professionals.

Prior to being a coach and consultant, Jacques cultivated a diverse array of skills through her extensive corporate experience. After graduating from Harvard Law School at 24, Jacques’ career began at Skadden in New York City, as a Mergers & Acquisitions associate advising on deals totaling $50B+. Jacques then pivoted to startups - initially working as in-house counsel, then as co-founder of DUOS, a digital health startup that has raised $29M to assist older adults and their caregivers.Following DUOS, Jacques decided to pursue executive coaching full-time. Her transition was driven by a passion for guiding others towards balance and purpose.

Trained by the executive coach for Steve Jobs and one of the global leaders in Human Design, Jacques provides insightful coaching sessions for individuals, business partners, founders, and teams seeking leadership, team-building, and innovative professional development services and experiences.

Episode Highlights

  • Introduction to human design and its application in personal and professional development

  • Jacques Anderson's background in law and transition to a coaching and consulting business focused on human design

  • Overview of human design as a tool based on birth information, creating a blueprint for decision-making, energy usage, and self-understanding

  • Explanation of the five human design types: manifestors, generators, manifesting generators, projectors, and reflectors

  • Jacques' personal experience as a projector and how understanding her design helped her navigate her career

  • Insights into how human design can benefit lawyers by providing awareness and guiding more effective use of individual strengths

  • Discussion on the importance of self-awareness in law school and legal professions to minimize burnout and align with personal strengths

  • Practical tips for law students on leveraging human design for study habits and decision-making

  • Encouragement for individuals to experiment with human design, emphasizing its free and accessible resources online

Tweetable Quotes

Understanding who you are as a person outside of being a lawyer or working at a specific firm is key, because with a solid grounding on who you are, you can be a better employee, a much better student. It doesn’t eliminate, but it mitigates some of the inherent rat race and comparison game that’s in the legal profession and in many professions.
— Jacques Anderson

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